Android tricks - Hide a folder from the Gallery app

Here is a small trick for preventing a folder from appearing in the Gallery application: Code description The general idea is really simple. We just have to create an empty file with the name .nomedia. That’s all! And that’s exactly what we want to do with the code snippet above. When the media scanner detects the .nomedia file, the folder is just being skipped by the OS and thus it wont be visible from the Gallery application....

November 10, 2016 · 1 min · Todor Kostov

Useful Resources for Android Developers

Originally published on 11/06/2016 During the past two years I’d managed to find several useful tools & resources, which I use over and over again during my every day work. There is no doubt, that almost all of them are well known to everyone, but I feel that I have to share them with you despite that fact. This is a mixture between information & tutorial resources, useful tools for networking and other small things that can make your developer’s life easier....

November 6, 2016 · 4 min · Todor Kostov

How to add margins between tabs in TabLayout

Tabs… Almost each and every application has at least one screen with tabs. Using that UI pattern gives us the desired high level organization of the content we have in our app. Several months ago I had to implement a TabLayout with margins between the tabs, which at the begging seemed like a regular task. Sadly, I was wrong. I expected to be fairly easy, but there was not a straight forward way to do that....

November 2, 2016 · 2 min · Todor Kostov

Code templates

After thinking about launching a blog for Android for near a month, finally I decided to do it! So here is the first and hopefully not the last post on the vast field of Android Development! As developers, we sometimes have the awesome privilege to work on something really interesting for us like geofencing, another cool and good looking animation, face recognition or something else. But that’s not always the case....

October 30, 2016 · 3 min · Todor Kostov